1.9.3 released
July 13th, 2014
1.9.3 released!
Another massive bug fix release.
Again focus has been on scripting compatibility.
Mentionable new features:
New highlight system with a lot more control/options.
New balloon tips system with stacking balloons.
Ability to search/filter options.
Pereba has made a lot of useful scripts which is compatible with 1.9.3, check them out here.
Also feel free to add your own scripts.
Scripting combatility is steadily being documented on the wiki
As always you can read the full change log here.
Thanks to kikuchi for his bughunting in scripting, and to pereba for all around bughunting and useability suggestions, and thanks to all other beta testers and bug reporters, keep them reports coming guys :)
Russian translations
December 3th, 2013
res87th have done a great job translating AdiIRC into Russian, you can get it here.
Thanks res87th!
1.9.2 released
November 30th, 2013
1.9.2 released!
This is a massive bugfix release, mostly scripting bugs.
Script editor have gotten a lot of attention with some new options:
Initializations Warning
Ask to Save Files
Backup File on Save
Line Selection
Line Numbers
Identifier Warning
Always on Top
Show on Desktop
And a "Check brackets" menu for indenting scripts properly and check for matching brackets.
Also AdiIRC is now IRCv3 compatible.
Som other notable feature is "smart" tabcomplete using recently active nicks, find this in Options -> General -> Tabcomplete order.
option to restore AdiIRC from tray with single click
option start with windows
option to check for irc:// link association on start up
line marker thickness option
border thickness option
As always you can read the full change log here
Thanks to kikuchi for his bughunting in scripting, and to pereba for all around bughunting and useability suggestions, and thanks to all other beta testers and bug reporters :)
Portuguese translations
October 27th, 2013
NokTham have done a great job translated AdiIRC into Portuguese, get it here.
Thanks NokTham :))
German translations
August 3th, 2013
Cthulhux did an impressively fast translation of AdiIRC to German, get it here
Thanks Cthulhux :>