AdiIRC 4.4 - 28-08-2023
Added Audacious now playing support
Added ability to use wildcards in ignore list channels field
Added ability to use empty filename to search all files in Logs Manager
Added new window title variables $serveruptime, $sslclientcertfile
Added darkmode support
Added color options for Monitor Panel tabs
Added option to set log file editor in Options -> Logging
Added option to set regain nick retry interval
Added option to enable/disable IRCv3 server-time globally
Added support for IRCv3 BotMode,standard-replies and extended-monitor
Added option to enable/disable Paste & Submit item in the Editbox menu
Fixed join timestamp is not shown in certain configs
Fixed client messages are not shown correctly in some cases
Fixed away settings per network is not saved/restored correctly
Fixed disable windows toasts on Wine since it's not implemented and causes a crash
Fixed RAW 221 does not update user modes correctly
Fixed Options -> Windows -> Query Windows should be called Private Windows
Fixed prefer MONITOR over WATCH for notifications
Fixed Treebar nodes should be transparent to the background image
Fixed some syntax hightlight glitches in new Script Editor for Aliases
Fixed TreeBar Tiled Background Not Rendering When Toggled After Hidden
Fixed removed the "nick!" output from RAW 211
Fixed a rare crash in the Script Editor
Fixed Theme Manger links preview is not working properly
Fixed an issue with pinned Monitor Panels popup size
Fixed ignore List CTCP replies are not ignored correctly
Fixed new Scripts Editor "select all" does not select the last line fully
Fixed Channel Editor is not auto closed properly in some cases
Fixed Menubar -> Tools -> "Ignore List" should not open "Add Ignore" dialog
Fixed RAW 569,800 is not parsed correctly on Inspircd/unrealircd servers
Fixed some characters should be removed from Username/identd nick
Fixed kick/part messages are not shown correctly on some networks
Fixed first row in Monitor Panels Datagrid is somtimes not visible
Fixed select color window dialog size is wrong
Fixed Spotify now playing shows wrong title when stopped
Fixed restoring scrollbar position in Script Editor can cause a crash in some cases
Fixed drag/drop Monitor Panels doesn't work properly
Fixed selecting a color in the Topicbox color popup dialog should not remove focus
Fixed use native folder browser dialog when available
Fixed CTRL + F should focus searchbox in the Options and Serverlist dialogs
Fixed Toolbar Media Player icons are not visible on dark backgrounds
Fixed Toppanel colors should be updated in real time
Fixed Rawlog should use text area selection colors instead of Treebar
Fixed Theme Manager preview uses the wrong Nicklist background/text colors
Fixed pasting multiple lined text on empty single line Editbox doesn't work
Fixed Channel List does not show topics on some networks
Fixed Options dialog and Serverlist dialog should show an error on both read and write errors
Fixed AdiIRC should refuse to start if config file or serverlist file is locked/in use
Fixed ZNC notify status changes for users not in the notify list should be ignored
Fixed Highlight sound files are not saved with relative paths
Fixed a crash related to running in remote desktop
Fixed event sound files are not saved with relative paths
Fixed changing regain nick option should stop/start trying to regain nick in real time
Fixed @time tags should be ignored when use IRCv3 server-time is disabled
Fixed "Allow only one copy of AdiIRC running" should be enabled by default
Fixed IRCv3 echo-messages echoed through batches are not shown correctly
Fixed % and $ in network names should be removed
Fixed Regain nick should be disabled by default
Changed CPU load monitor to total load instead of per core load
Added wildcard support in /download -c
Added new property .cores for $cpuload
Added missing parameter [nf] for $notify()
Added missing properties .account, .away, .awaymsg, .gecos for $notify()
Added missing parameter --u for &binvars for /parseline
Added missing parameter -p for /copy
Added 'W' flag for case-sensitive search in $read()
Added new parameter -K for /ban
Added new parameter -u for /run
Added missing 'i' switch for $urlget()
Added new parameter -C for /dockpanels
Added new command/identifier /mtable, $mtable
Added missing property .bot for $ial(), $ialchan()
Added new parameter -W for /ialmark
Added new parameter -m for /pause
Added "reps" count output for /timers
Added new identifiers $ctimems,$darkmode
Removed $bfind().regex since it doesn't work properly
Changed dBytes for the LOADINFO DLL struct to 20480
Changed mVersion for the LOADINFO DLL struct to 7.64
Fixed $dialog().state returns incorrect values
Fixed /drawpic -c should take into account icon index
Fixed $chan().idle doesn't reset correctly
Fixed on NOTICE sometimes triggers on ignored notices
Fixed /!else, /!else if doesn't work properly
Fixed invert the "H" switch behavior for $hfind(), halting only the search by default
Fixed $findfile() should return $null when halted
Fixed $scon() properties with parentheses should show an error
Fixed /loadbuf is slow
Fixed $urlget() alias parameter should be evaluated as a script
Fixed queded /parseline doesn't work during on PARSELINE events
Fixed allow using "Status Window" as [window] parameter for /icon
Fixed /showmenu -u causes a crash
Fixed $commands().aliases return wrong values
Fixed /cnick should allow all 99 colors
Fixed $powmod() doesn't work with negative values
Fixed $isnum() doesn't work
Fixed $urlget() fails when sending custom User-Agent header
Fixed $urlget().size is zero in some cases
Fixed $sorttok(), $sorttokcs() returns wrong value without valid "ncra" parameter
Fixed $url use UI automation to get the current url from chrome,brave,edge,vivaldi,opera and firefox
Fixed /pause should use UTC time
Fixed $hfind(,N) should return "0" for non existing tables